and Maui usually jumps all over me about ignoring evidence. If you refuse to see the direct correlation between the story of Horus and pretty much all other Pagan Gods, including Jesus Christ, than you can not call yourself knowledgeable on the subject.
Conception from a Virgin, The Only Begotten Son, Foster Father names Joseph (Seb - a.k.a Jo-Seph), Mother named Isis (translates to Meri), birth heralded by a "star in the east" or Sirius, Birth around the winter solstice, Birth witnessed by Sheppards, the break in life history between the age of 12 and 30, age of baptism, twelve disciples, walking on water, casting out demons, healed sick, restored sight to the blind, stilling the sea, raising the dead from the grave, the fact that the person they miraculously brought back from the dead translates into the same name and it also happened to be the same egyptian city, crucifixion, descended into hell and resurrected after 3 days, the list goes on.....
Main Role : Savior of humanity
Status : God-man
Common portrayal : Virgin Mother holding infant Horus/Jesus
Title : KRST - the annointed one / Christ - the annointed one
Other names shared directly between Jesus and Horus : he good sheppard, the lamb of god, the bread of life, the son of man, the Word, the fisher (strictly astrological meaning), the winnower.
Main Symbols : Fish, beetle, the vine, the sheppards crook.
Zodiaz Sign - associated with pisces, the fish
Those are just some of the parallels.