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 Jacare talks UFC

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Jacare talks UFC Empty
PostSubject: Jacare talks UFC   Jacare talks UFC EmptyThu Oct 07, 2010 8:33 pm

does Coker get numb to this?

Although most new champions are content to bask for a while in the glory of their recent achievements, and perhaps give thoughts to securing a long-term title reign, Strikeforce's newest middleweight champ Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza is already looking beyond the belt he so recently strapped around his waist.

"I want more than that," Souza said simply in a new interview with Tatame magazine. "I want to fight in the UFC."

Such words are sure to cause consternation in an organization that just lost it's reigning middleweight champ Jake Shields to the UFC, when he became a free agent after defending his belt against decorated veteran Dan Henderson in April. "Jacare" claimed the vacant title that Shields had left behind when he defeated Tim Kennedy at Strikeforce: Houston on August 21.

Although leaving no doubt that he views the UFC as an eventual step up for him, Souza says that for the moment, he is content where he is.

"For now I'm cool on Strikeforce and I don't intend to leave the event," Jacare stated. "I want to become the number one in my division... I want to win more titles, it's all just starting for me."

Souza has already achieved a rare degree of fame as a grappler, with an amazing five world jiu-jitsu championship titles under his belt as well as ADCC gold. Since entering the MMA arena "Jacare" has gone on to amass an impressive 13-2 (1 NC) record, with 10 of those wins coming via submission. The thought of a fighter with his grappling pedigree entering the UFC's tough middleweight division, which already features two of MMA's most accomplished jiu-jitsu artists in Demian Maia and Rousimar Palhares, is sure to leave grappling fans excited over possible future matchups.
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Jacare talks UFC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jacare talks UFC   Jacare talks UFC EmptyFri Oct 08, 2010 12:41 am

Very Happy
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Jacare talks UFC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jacare talks UFC   Jacare talks UFC EmptyFri Oct 08, 2010 12:45 am

Although he should want to fight in the UFC and prove that he's the best he shouldn't disrespect his current employer that way.
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