A lot of feeling out from the two as to be expected. Time limit is unknown, could be 10 minutes or 20 minutes. Work from the collar and elbow Estima with the first takedown by single-leg resulting in a scramble and back to the feet. No points can be scored in the first half of the time period. Shot of I believe Rickson Gracie looking on from the crowd.
More feeling out from the two. I wonder how Jacare is feeling just 2 weeks removed from his 25 minute decision loss to Luke Rockhold.
Estima again tries to shoot in and stays low scrambling for a leg but Jacare fends it off fairly easily. Estima on bottom looking to grab a leg for a sweep, Jacare contemplates dropping back for a leglock but chooses not to and now looks to hand fight and perhaps pass Estima's half guard.
Jacare stands and Estima looks like he might be going for De La Riva. Jacare is able to swim inside and clear the legs of Estima. Jacare now standing away from Estima on his back. Pause in action as perhaps an accidental kick to Jacare's ribs. Jacare goes back inside Estima's open guard and then back to standing looking to pass. Very defensive measured game so far.
Estima is looking for an armdrag but can't get anything going off his back with Jacare defending well. Estima looked to sweep and then changes to a leglock attempt but Jacare gets out. Estima butt scooting towards Jacare who partly engages. Still no score zone for the time limit which I guess means it's a 20 minute match. Estima continues to follow Jacare around and Jacare tries to pin down a leg without opening himself up to being off balanced by a sweep.
Estima scoots in to look for half huard, changes to inverted guard looking for a sweep but Jacakre fights to hold Estima down and sprawl out enough to avoid being swept. Estima gets a foot and sweeps but Jacare pops right back up so no points scored. Estima continues to hunt for leglock control from the bottom. Estima has a figure-four grip on the leg but is too high for any finish, tries a sweep again. Jacare stays on his feet with Estima still scooting, looks for inverted guard and possible inverted triangle. Jacare out again, Estima still scooting.
Jacare hasn't offered anything offensive compared to Estima. Jacare down into Estima's closed guard. Estima locks an omoplata transition into a kneebar attempt. Score is still 0-0. 50/50 guard temporarily until Jacare backs out. Jacare complains again that he got popped in the ribs. Referee gets Jacare to take shirt off as deemed too baggy. Weird.
Jacare looking to pass guard but unable, Estima tries a sweep into a takedown but can't finish. Ref calls a short grab against Estima and a warning. Estima still scooting against Jacare. Regulation time ends with a 0-0 score so far. We're now in the points scoring zone.
Estima now no longer to scoot, and no longer to pull guard without at least 3 seconds attempting a genuine takedown. Both start looking for collar and wrist control. Estima eventually shoots for a single leg then switches to the other leg but Jacare able to get hips back and work his way out.
Jacare scores a power double leg takedown though they end up out of bounds. Still 0-0. Reset in the middle Jacare had the back standing but pushes off. On the mat and Jacare is looking to pass Estima's guard. Reset back in the middle, Jacare's ribs are still bothering him. Back in the open guard and Estima is working 50/50 sweeps and takes the back looking to get a hook in now he has both hooks but unclear if it was long enough as Jacare spins into guard. Estima scores backpoints 3-0 which Jacare disagrees with. Jacare inside Estima's guard and now must look to score points or submit.
Estima looks for inverted guard briefly but settles on a shallow half guard. Back to inverted looking for a sweep but time runs out and Estima for the first time has beaten Jacare by points 3-0, all coming down to his sweep to the back and getting hooks in just long enough. Braulio Estima def Jacare de Souza by points.
Ninja Administrator
Favorite Fighter(s) : Anyone with the last name Rua or Emelianenko and Uncle Creepy Posts : 3831 Join date : 2009-07-15
In all seriousness, can we start directing some hate towards stupid fucks like this that actually deserve it? I hate this dude with a pasison. What a dim witted moron
OU Administrator
Favorite Fighter(s) : Diaz Bros, Wandy, Ace, Hendo, JDS, Lima Bros,Uncle Creepy, long live Iceman Posts : 43280 Join date : 2009-07-15 Age : 38 Location : Lawton, Oklahoma
In all seriousness, can we start directing some hate towards stupid fucks like this that actually deserve it? I hate this dude with a pasison. What a dim witted moron
Your hate motivates me.
SOKO Black Belt
Favorite Fighter(s) : The Dragon, Kenflo, Hendo, Guida, Ace, Wand, Cain, Carwin, Foreman, Evander, Oscar Posts : 3362 Join date : 2009-07-16 Age : 43 Location : atlanta
Following his win over Mike Massenzio at UFC 142 last weekend, Rousimar Palhares took time to visit a hospital for children with cancer in Rio de Janeiro, alongside trainer, Murilo Bustamente.
GDPofDRC Administrator
Favorite Fighter(s) : Shogun, Fedor, Wand, Saku, Hendo, BJ, Bas, Cain, Mike Vallely Posts : 21274 Join date : 2009-08-04 Age : 104 Location : Fresyes, CA