Thought it would be interesting to look at the casualties of war in some of the msot famous wars the USA fought in. I will not include American Revolution or War of 1812 cause it is too hard to tell.
Civil War : 1,100,000 casualties. The Union Army lost over 640,000 men (death/disease/missing) The Confederacy lost over 480,000 men.
Bloodiest Battle : Gettysburg, over 50,000 casualties.
World War 1 : Russia : Men Mobilized - 12 million. Total Casualties = 9.15 million
France: Men Mobilized - 8.4 million. Total Casualties = 6.1 million
GB + Empire : Men mobilized - 8.9 million. Total Casualties = 3.1 million
USA : Men Mobilized - 4.3 Million. Total Casualties = 350,000
Total Allies Men Mobilized = 42 Million. Total Allies Casualties = 22 million
Germany : Men Mobilized - 11 Million. Total Casualties = 7.1 Million.
Austria : Men Mobilized - 7.8 Million. Total Casualties = 7 Million
Total Central Powers Men Mobilized - 22.8 Million. Total Casualties = 15 Million
Grand Total. Men Mobilized - 65 Million. Total Casualties = 37 Million.
WORLD WAR 2 (listing only total deaths civilians included.)Russia = 20,600,000 Deaths. (7 million civilians)
China = 10 Million
Germany = 7 million
Poland = 6.3 Million (6 million civilians)
Japan = 2 million
Yugoslavia = 1.7 Million
France = 800,000
USA = 500,000
Great Britian = 400,000
Total = 52 Million deaths.Korean WarWe had over 1.7 Million men on the Korean theater and over 5 million in the army.
USA Casualties =
170,000. Over 50,000 deaths.
South Korea - Total Casualties - 980,000. Over 200,000 deaths.
UK - Total Casualties = 5,000
China = Total Casualties =
430,000North Korea = Total Casualties unknown.
1.5 million is the believed number. Unknown how many civilians.
VietnamUSA Total Deaths -
58,000. Youngest man to die was 16 year old Paul Raber. Oldest was 62 year old Kenna C. Taylor. Over 11,000 KIA;s were under 20.
N. Vietnam Casualties= figure has been put at
1.4 Million casualties.
Pretty nuts to see some of those numbers