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 That wasnt even Jones at his best?

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Green Belt
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That wasnt even Jones at his best? Empty
PostSubject: That wasnt even Jones at his best?   That wasnt even Jones at his best? EmptySun Mar 20, 2011 5:50 pm

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That wasnt even Jones at his best? Empty
PostSubject: Re: That wasnt even Jones at his best?   That wasnt even Jones at his best? EmptySun Mar 20, 2011 9:58 pm

That's crap and assuming that getting tired is an unusual problem for Jones. Just like Brock Lensar was dominating the HW division at half strength before he got sick, lol.

Fact is, Jones is a gas guzzler...this is now the third fight i've seen him in where he was clearly tired after the first round. Bonnar(not until 3rd really), Bader, and Shogun. The reason it does not hurt him is because Bonnar sucks, Bader was out of gas completely, and Shogun gassed out in the first 60 seconds of the fight.

If there is an apparent weakness in Jon Jones so far, it's nothing in his game just yet, but people do know he gets tired...and you don't really see that change with fighters often. The problem is, Jones wears out his opponents so bad that Jones gassing is not a problem because his opponent has nothing left. I think the current strategy vs. Jones should be to push him into the later rounds taking as little damage and burning as little energy as possible and see what you can do when Jones gets tired..easier said the done with Jones agressiveness and this will take somebody with amazing cardio. Not many of those guys at 205..just about all the top guys in the weight class get tired after 3, especially in the fight that Jones brings..if i can think of anybody who has the tank, it might be Rashad Evans...but he's shown to fade as well.

but Jones was at his best, atleast for where he is at as a fighter right now. That is assuming he usually has better cardio after 10 minutes of keeping up a ferocious pace and i strongly doubt that
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Bronze Belt
Bronze Belt

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That wasnt even Jones at his best? Empty
PostSubject: Re: That wasnt even Jones at his best?   That wasnt even Jones at his best? EmptySun Mar 20, 2011 10:03 pm

Yeah that was a totally relentless pace that never seemed to slow at any point. I don't think it's unnatural really. There isn't a 205lb fighter alive that wouldn't be tired after that kind of exertion at such a high pace with all the jumping and turning and wrestling involved. There is a reason contests in collegiate wrestling are only 6 minutes.
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That wasnt even Jones at his best? Empty
PostSubject: Re: That wasnt even Jones at his best?   That wasnt even Jones at his best? Empty

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That wasnt even Jones at his best?
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